Schools should operate normally wherever feasible and only resort to closure or early closure in exceptional circumstances.
If it is necessary to close the school due to adverse weather conditions or any other unforeseen circumstance, a decision will be made, normally in liaison with their Chair of Governors, as soon as possible.
In the event of adverse weather, consideration will be given to:
- State of pathways, steps and slopes around the school
- Condition of roads and pathways in the local area
- If the school's heating, lighting and water is working correctly
- Whether catering can be provided
- Availability of public transport and school coaches
- Weather forecast
Every effort will be made to inform staff, parents/carers and the local authority at the earliest opportunity.
Methods of communication with staff and parents/carers may include:
- Information on Staffordshire County Council website (Staffordshire Schools Emergency Closures)
- Local Radio updates (BBC Radio Stoke & Signal Radio)
- Notice on school web site
- Text alert to parents
- Message on Facebook @stsavioursacademy and Twitter @stsaviourstalke